Monday, May 5, 2014

Europe in the Basque Country



We did a trip to Manchester three weeks ago. We went 16 of us and we had a real good time.
There, we visited the main museums of the city, for example, the Mossy. We also have free time in the afternoon to go shopping or to stay relaxing at the hostel. 
In my opinion the most exciting was when we went to Liverpool. It's a very beautiful city with many shops. 
Here are some photos of the trip:

Thursday, May 1, 2014

The video draft

We have done an advertisment against poverty. To see it click here

My work in the project

I have done a couple of things in this preject. In one hand, I recorded a video with Adrian, Asier, Jon, Martin and Iker. The  video was about poverty and we recorded a scene of a poor man asking for money in the street.

In the other hand, we wrote a text about poverty to show DBH people what is the situation and do them think a bit about it. Also, with this text, we put some questions and phrases to do them think if they are in favour or against the situation given.

Finally, I helped recollecting food for the " Banco de Alimentos".
Finally, I translated the guide to Spanish with Martin, like this all pepole could understand it.

Thursday, April 3, 2014


We have thought to do a writing context for the DBH people. Here are some ideas we have:
- We can ask them to do a writing of 100 words about the poverty, exactly, how the crisis has affected to their environment.
- Give them a text about poverty to do a writing reflexion.
- Give a paper with a phrase and they can continue writing about it.


1. If they want to reduce poverty they must built new refuges for the ones that need beds or food.
2. In my opinion they mustn't have such a high salary because it is intolerable that while they are very rich and they have all, others don't have anything and have big problems to survive.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Banco de alimentos

El Banco de Alimentos no asiste a personas, solo a asociaciones, ya sean de carácter laico o religioso, y a Ayuntamientos.
Son estas entidades las que, en último término, asisten a las familias o a las personas que se encuentran en situación de necesidad.
Estadísticas fiables y contrastadas señalan que en España 8 millones de personas, alrededor del 20% de la población, vive con ingresos inferiores al 50% de la renta "per cápita nacional", por lo que son considerados como pobres.
Las causas de la pobreza son muy variadas. El paro y el trabajo precario son las más importantes. La edad avanzada o niñez y juventud, las enfermedades, las injusticias sociales, analfabetismo, inmigración, pertenencias a ciertas etnias, drogadicción, alcoholismo, y familias monoparentales se encuentran también entre las causas originarias de la pobreza.

 Cuadro Colectivos atendidos:

    Parados larga duración - 9%
    Inmigrantes - 28%
    Discapacitados Físicos - 2%
    Mayores - 21 %
    Enfermos terminales y afectados - 6%
    Niños y adolescentes - 7%
    Toxicómanos - 12%
    Discapacitados psíquicos -1%
    Indigentes -10%
    Otros - 4%